Thursday, February 24, 2022
Read the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, from 1994. (Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons.)
Tuesday, February 8, 2022
3 Terms in the House of Representatives ( 6 years )
1 Term in the Senate ( 6 years )
I believe that the legislation could be passed by allowing the current members in Congress
to be grandfathered and not subjected to the limit.
Not easy, but doable in my first term in Congress.
Supreme Court held OKAY to make false statements,
On June 28, 2012, the Supreme Court held in the Stolen Valor Case that it is OKAY to make false statements, about being awarded a military medal.
Equality will never be achieved because Federal Courts allow Asians to be discrimination against.
Asian students filed a lawsuit in the U.S. federal district court in Massachusetts in 2014, against Harvard University, claiming that Harvard discriminates against Asian applicants in its undergraduate admissions process.
Let use fire 83,000 hospital workers and then wonder why there is a shortage of hospital workers !!
83,000 hospital workers could be fired
under N.Y. vaccine mandate.
What knowledge do 83,000 hospital workers have in New York that is not available to the public?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Oregon has 6,297 hospital beds, with 733 corona virus patients, or 12 percent of the patient beds
Oregon’s governor said she would send 1,500 national guard troops to help the hospital workers.
There are 733 people, who are hospitalized in Oregon with the corona virus, or 12 percent of the patient beds.
So there will be more than 2 national guards, for each corona virus patient.
Oregon each year has patient days of 1,358,267 individuals, divided by 6,297 hospital beds = each hospital bed is used 216 days each year.
So the Oregon hospitals are only 59 percent full and you need to send the National Guard to help ?
American Hospital Directory - Individual Hospital Statistics for Oregon (
14 percent of patients in hospitals have Corona Virus
Number of patients in hospitals with Coronavirus 132,464
FOLLOW THE SCIENCE !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cleveland Clinic indicated that 52 million people in the United States have had the virus
Biden cancels XL pipeline on first day in office.
One year later, crude oil doubles from 45 dollars per carrel to 90 dollars per barrel.
Greta Thunberg has NOT helped either, by asking the oil industry to cut back on exploration.
I hope your income doubled from last year.
5 times during a 6 hour period, 57 out 100 Senators interpreted Peace to mean "Riot"
January 6, 2021 Noon Speech - peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.
Democratic View - Why check voter signatures, on mail in ballot envelopes ?
Pennsylvania Supreme Court found that nothing in state law requires counties to check whether voters' signatures on ballot envelopes match the signatures on file.
Sunday, February 6, 2022
Candidate for Illinois 10th Congressional District
Election Date is June 28, 2022.
Lifetime resident of Lake Forest
Licensed Professional Engineer in Illinois
Registered Energy Professional in Chicago
Purdue Electrical Engineering Graduate - BSEE 1979
Commodity Trader